In Genesis 1:27, we are told that we are made in the image of God. Webster's Dictionary defines the word "image" as a likeness in a solid form, or as a tangible, visual representation. So, while we are made in the physical likeness of God, the word does not say that we have the mind of Christ or that we have the personality of Christ when we are born. In fact, the word tells us that it is not until we believe with our heart and confess with our mouth that "Jesus is Lord" that we are saved (Romans 10:9-10) . And, when we ask for forgiveness with a good heart, that we recieve the Holy Ghost and fire (Luke 3:16). And, it is only when the Spirit comes that we begin to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enables us (Acts 2:4). So, while we are born with the physical appearance of God, it is not until His Spirit comes to live and dwell in our physical bodies that we begin to hear the Spirit of God leading us. Even when the Spirit comes, we have been given the ability to exercise free will, and can choose to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit or to go against the divine purposes of God. However, if we choose to submit ourselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit, he will lead us in all truth . . . . he will tell us what is to come (John 16:13). And, it is Jesus who had given us authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy . . AND nothing will harm us by any means (Luke 10:19).
We have the physical likeness of God, the Spirit of God within us and authority over the power of the enemy. So, why is it Christians sometimes fail to take authority over illness, sickness and disease in their bodies in the name of Jesus Christ? Do you truly believe in the word of God, understand that He cannot lie, and know that by Jesus' stripes you were healed? Do you have faith as small as a mustard seed that it is God's divine will for health to be restored in your body? If you do, you can experience the divine healing and restorative power of the Living God!
Powerful declarations of faith to bring healing and restoration of health to your body:
* Declare that the thief comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, but Jesus came to give you life more abundantly according to John 10:10.
* Bind the devil in the name of Jesus Christ according to Mathew 18:18.
* Lay hands on the area with sickness and annoint it will holy annointing oil according to Mark 6:13 and Mark 16:16.
* Speak in tongues as the Spirit leads as you touch the area with sickness or disease according to Mark 16:17.
* Command your body (even your DNA) to come into alignment of the will of God for your life according to 1 John 5:14.
* Confess that by Jesus' striped you are healed according to 1 Peter 2:24.
* Confess that God is the author and perfecter of your faith according to Hebrews 12:2.
* Declare in faith that you have been healed by the power of God.
* Recite Psalm 121 in faith.
* Put on the Armor of God according to Ephesians 6:11-17 so you can stand against the lies of the devil and stand on the word of God for your healing in faith.
If you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord you will be saved (Romans 10:19). Saved from eternal life in hell, but also saved from sickness, pain, anguish, despair and disease in this life! Praise God - Jesus has set us free!
(Disclaimer: The information in this blog is not intended to divert any believer from seeking medical advice, medical care or treatment from a qualified medical professional - as the Spirit also leads.)